Monday, March 30, 2009
Upcoming: Downtown San Jose's North First Street
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Upcoming: It's All About Mountain View
This Weekend in Silicon Valley: rap, sports, chili and Lily Tomlin

Lil’ Wayne
March 27: What can you say about Lil’ Wayne that hasn’t been said, he’s simply the voice of a generation: 7pm
[ 3/28 ] SATURDAY

San Jose Earthquakes vs. Houston Dynamo
Buck Shaw Stadium-Santa Clara University
March 28: The Houston Dynamo will get DYNOMITED when they take on our San Jose Earthquakes: 7:30pm

Club Auto Sport, 521 Charcot Ave., San Jose
March 28: The San Jose Police Department and San Jose Fire Department will be battling for bragging rights over who can make the best chili in Silicon Valley. Attendees will also enjoy wine, appetizers, live music, car show and, of course, wonderful bowls of chili!: Funds raised benefit the SJPOA Charitable Foundation: 5pm

San Jose Stealth vs. Portland Lumberjax
HP Pavilion, 525 W. Santa Clara St., San Jose
March 28: Tiiiiimmmmbbbbeeerrrr… what’s that the sound of? It’s the Portland Lumberjax getting cut down to size by our very own San Jose Stealth!:12:30pm
[ 3/29 ] SUNDAY

Lily Tomlin
Sunday, March 22, 2009
SXSW Day Four: traffic, crowds, heat, the end and three Israelis that shocked Austin.
Andy Cabic, the lead singer/songwriter of Vetiver, told me that trying to write about music is like trying to dance about architecture. And after four days of trying to make sense of the South by Southwest music festival, I'm finally understanding what he means. There are few words to describe the chaos surrounding this event. The only thing you can do is try to document and capture what is presented in front of you. I guess that's actually the point of this whole thing. There's no purpose here, other than to entertain. Sure, you can get into all the underlying monetary issues, and try to delve deep into the struggles that musicians face, or the backroom dealing that's going on all over town by greedy record executives looking for the "next big thing." But if you go that route, I assure you, you are missing the point. All you need to do is read the bumper stickers, posters and T-shirts, proudly urging all citizens to "Keep Austin Weird."
And nothing can be weirder than Monotonix, an Israeli threesome proned to lude acts on stage, perpetual crowd surfing atop drum kits, and a tendency to leave a venue while still playing their instruments, taking the party outside into the streets to climb on street signs and building edifices. Check out the last set of pics and viideo below.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
SXSW Day Three: videos and the Bay Area represents
As promised, here are some videos of live SXSW 2009 performances. My personal favorite so far has got to be LovelikeFire from San Francisco. They have everything: energy, charisma, talent, a strikingly beautiful lead female singer and a sound that rivals the biggest acts out there.
Interviews with musicians proved a bit difficult, as the general controlled chaos of each event dictates that bands have to rush to set up, blast through their performance, then scramble to pack up and locate their next venue, only to repeat the process. During Vetiver's last song, lead singer Andy Cabic said they somehow had to pack up all their stuff and make it over to the University of Houston campus in 30 minutes to perform live on the radio. I presume they were horribly late.
At any rate, the festival is an amazing experience. It's rare that hipsters, freaks, musicians, weirdos, rockers and the like are ever given free reign over a downtown populous, yet here we are, packing the streets and bars with bright, colorful creativity. During the five days I've been here, the economy has never come up in conversation. And for good reason: the people here know that whatever happens outside this epicenter of weirdness, we will still be able to sustain ourselves on good music, friendly people and plenty free beer and barbecue.
The Thermals performing "Returning to the Fold" at the Historic French Legion park.
Cursive performing live at the Historic French Legion park.
Cursive performing "Some Red Handed Sleight of Hand" at the Historic French Legion park.
The Stone Foxes
Vetiver on the rooftop.
Or, the Whale
Thursday, March 19, 2009
SXSW Day Two: better late than never...
It was a hot one down in Austin as day two of South by Southwest kicked off early. The music and mayhem began at 10am, with venues all over the city hosting numerous bands, endless barbecue and scores of sun-drenched music fans. By late afternoon the lucky ones heard about a free lawn party at the Historic French Legion park on San Marcos St. It was a great place to grab some shade and watch about two dozen bands perform. The notables were Cursive and The Thermals. (Unfortunately, the WiFi in Austin hasn't proven to be very reliable, so uploading video has been a hastle. But we'll get to that soon enough -- The Thermals, Cursive, The Stone Foxes and more). For now, here are some pictures of day two. Enjoy and stay tuned for coverage of SFxSXSW, the Bay Area's own party down here in Austin, Tx. Yee-haw!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
SXSW Day One: sunshine, freaks, mudbugs and live music
The music portion of SXSW began today as hundreds of musicians, fans and freaks took to the streets of downtown Austin to drink ice cold Lone Star beers and watch dozens and dozens of little-to-unknown bands try to generate buzz for their music. It's early, still, about 8pm, but there is no sign of things slowing down anytime soon. Here, the party goes on for days, nonstop, with more than a few hundred bands set to take to the stages, streetcorrners, bartops, sidewalks, back alleys, public transportation and anywhere else deemed fitting for a live performance.
The Wave is taking a break from the madness to post a few pictures and a video taken at The Mohawk of an intersting band called The Mae Shi, a Los Angeles foursome with curious amounts of energy and equal amounts of strange face-making antics. Stay tuned. We're heading out later tonight to check out some more music and craziness.